Friday, June 3, 2011


I thought about U2 a lot today. I thought about some of their greatest hits, like Desire and Hawkmoon 269 and Bloody Sunday. I thought about Los Angeles and how my best friend Ryan and I never got tired of blaring Bono and singing at the top of our lungs while we twisted the car down Mulholland Drive. Music is kind of a like a time machine, it can take me back to the past and sometimes it propels me into the future. I haven’t been playing enough music lately. It’s making me feel skinny, a little malnourished as if music feeds me. So, I need to make a mix tonight and tomorrow maybe drive to the coast or find a dusty desert hill so I can pull over and sit on the hot rocks that bake under the sun. I’ll take my old manual camera with me and try to take some pictures of rusty train tracks or half-dilapidated farm houses and all these random eye sores that I think are so interesting. Maybe it isn’t the music I’m missing so much, more this constant need to be inspired. I think that’s it. For me, life is this endless search for inspiration.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok woman, just finished reading Awaken and LOVED IT!!! I couldn't put it down. Seriously thought provoking stuff. I have two children and see in them some of the issues you have addressed in your future-dystopia that kind of freak me out. Ready to go ahead and buy that farm I've had my eye on and give them a taste of real living not inundated with screens, screens and more screens. Thank you for this amazing novel. I can't wait for more. Congrats on all your hard work. It paid off!!!! GREAT GREAT BOOK!